
Comment Repost
Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jul 03, 2014
425 x 1 no straps, switch grip w/belt
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts May 01, 2014
#strongtothecor week 6 challenge
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jul 24, 2013
Leg day
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jul 16, 2013
Bis and Tris
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
It's Deadlift day can you tell?
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Killed Chest today. I love this workout!
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
You have to get low to do squats the right way.
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013