
A lot of people have asked me how I’ve improved my back so much.. remember there are two factors, width and thickness train back 2 times a week, in order to improve both!
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Apr 15, 2018
Remember if you're trying to bring up your back there are two aspects... First having a day of exercises focusing on width and another day on thickness, so hit back atleast 2 times a week #Knowledge
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Sep 09, 2016
Straight from the Snapchat, which is p2easyy... Yesterday's cardio workout was savage to say the least :) #HappyTuesdayFitfam
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2016
Incline BB Press develops the mass and strength of the pectoral muscles (upper and middle regions) and front deltoids. The incline angle of this press hits the upper pecs really hard. These better be a staple on YOUR chest day... #Knowledge
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Mar 03, 2016
So many have asked me for the songs that get me soooo **** HYPPEEEE, so I made a little playlist from today's workout!! Now I usually don't go crazy Dubstep like some of these tracks, but I guarantee this will make you go BEAST in the gym.. Enjoy :)
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2015
Took the cardio outside today, it was too beautiful to miss, nice to spend time with my mom too!! Then legs after, currently on my 4th day with Hany Rambod aka the Olympia Maker ;) #LoveFall #Family #AllLove #2MuchLegGame #Time4Cheesesteak
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Oct 15, 2015
Because who wants to be normal!? I think that success is having fun.
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Sep 12, 2015
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Aug 19, 2015
Relationship Goals ;)
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Posted by p2easy
2 Reposts Aug 18, 2015
Me..... Every night :)
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Jun 16, 2015
A little throwback to the one time "The Rock" tweeted me when I did his cardio workout! Gts!!!!
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts May 31, 2015
Truuuuuuuu :)
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Posted by p2easy
2 Reposts Apr 29, 2015
You know what time it is!!! #session1 #SquatEveryday9of28 #Lesssgoooo #GriiindSquad
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Apr 16, 2015
Who wore it better ;) hahaha.... **** professional photography!!!
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Mar 31, 2015
A little throwback since its Thursday!! This is last summer when I was in full beach body mode ;) man looking at this gets me so excited for this summer imma look a million times better!! Girls ain't gonna be ready though ;) #Throwback #Improving
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Mar 19, 2015
Everyday I wake up, I thank god for those women that squat ;) #OhhhmyGawd #Amen #SquatOnMaaaFace
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Posted by p2easy
3 Reposts Mar 18, 2015
Excuse my french, but this is too funny... I feel like this everyday, forget about them rest days... Remember no matter how bad your workout was, it's always better then nothing :) LESGOOO #CompetitionPrep
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Posted by p2easy
1 Repost Feb 16, 2015
This is what I dream about!!!!! Aesthtics over everything though #CompPrepOnLock
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Feb 11, 2015
#NeverGiveUp #GriiindSquad #TeamAi
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Posted by p2easy
2 Reposts Jan 29, 2015
Every morning you wake up are you pushing away your goals, or are you taking the steps necessary to reach them? You know what time it is #GRiiiiiindSQUAD
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Jan 26, 2015
A big toast to all the ladies out there ;)
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Posted by p2easy
1 Repost Jan 17, 2015
#Arsthetics :)
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2015
#TheySit&Talk #WeBall&Walk #PrepPicComingTomorrow
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Jan 08, 2015
You think your shoulders don't grow no matter what? Well try my shoulder workout (pictured above) and I will GUARENTEE you that you'll get those boulders to finally raise!! One of the many ways I've helped people.
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Posted by p2easy
0 Reposts Dec 29, 2014