
Train insane OR remain the same!! Xo You can do it , it depends on how bad you want it! Xo
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Posted by misty2964
5 Reposts Oct 06, 2013
Had and amazing workout... Killing it!!! Clean eating= muscle and definition!! ;)
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Posted by misty2964
0 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
Just killed my workout!!! It was a glute and abs kinda day!!! <3 ;)
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Posted by misty2964
1 Repost Oct 02, 2013
That sums it up.. Those that are dedicated, detrmined, and have self discipline to train everyday and eat clean deserve respect ... It's not everyday everyone can do this! # rockmyworkouts #giveitmyall ;)
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Posted by misty2964
2 Reposts Oct 02, 2013
Yup this is all earned... Nothing comes free!!!!
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Posted by misty2964
0 Reposts Oct 02, 2013