
10 Things Every Lifter Should Try
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Posted by mayrimayoneza
0 Reposts Apr 16, 2015
By doing a very, very light training two days before an intensive training, you will have less muscle damage after the heavy training.
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Posted by mayrimayoneza
0 Reposts Mar 23, 2015
Cure your pathetic pull-up and learn to rep like a pro with this progressive training plan.
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Posted by mayrimayoneza
1 Repost Mar 20, 2015
Whoa!!!! Build up that *** baby!
Many women crank away at pull-downs and assistance tricks for years and never see it translate into strict pull-ups. Achieve your big breakthrough with this fool-proof bodyweight progression!
Interesting fact - Hamstrings train better with leg curls that with deadlifts
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Posted by mayrimayoneza
0 Reposts Mar 06, 2015