
Improve Your shoulder stability and strengthen Your rear and side delts by using mini-bands with barbell pressing movements! The tension of the mini-band leads to lesser front delt activity in pressing movements in favour of side and rear delts.
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Jan 22, 2020
Mac Hellfire's Shoulder Rehab
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Apr 27, 2019
Strong, healthy and flexible shoulders! Try the DUMBELL SHOULDER ROTATION move to protect and strengthen Your shoulders:
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Mar 06, 2017
Jul. 25, 2015 7:00 PM Workout
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Jul 27, 2015
Jul. 24, 2015 10:30 AM Workout
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Jul 27, 2015
Jul. 23, 2015 8:00 PM Workout
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Jul 27, 2015
Jul. 23, 2015 10:30 AM Workout
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Jul 27, 2015
132.5 kilograms waitin' to be deadlifted
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts May 10, 2015
May 4, 2015 2:00 PM Workout
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts May 05, 2015
Sunday morning core routine
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts May 03, 2015
For all of You with problems in shoulders and/or spine and neck there is a kettlebell exercise to increase mobility in all these areas. Even if You don't understand the german words of the instructor Dr. Till Sukopp You may have an idea how to do it.
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Posted by macflag
0 Reposts Mar 24, 2015