
Too good not to repost...
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Sep 15, 2014
Lifting chest with both RoboKoff and Al tonight... it is going to be a monstrous session. BUT I'll need to remind them of this notion, just like every time we lift!
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Aug 25, 2014
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Aug 18, 2014
Ahhh. Just had yet another debate about bodybuilding vs. Crossfit. I feel like everyone is moving over to the dark side for what seems to promise immediate gains. I'll keep at my slow and steady pace, I just hope I'm not missing out (*me = the dog).
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Aug 13, 2014
Need to get my niece a birthday present (she is turning 2 years old). Do you think she'll dig this? LOL
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Jul 31, 2014
Bring it grumpy cat!
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Jul 30, 2014
Need to finish my interrupted chest workout from this morning. This is how I feel.
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Posted by lpnoonan
0 Reposts Jul 29, 2014