
I 'm positing this for two reasons 1. great information about overtraining myths. 2. for kenny--> look we are so right overtraining basically is dumb and i want to print this article out and make copies to hand out to everyone who makes comments
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
How to train like an athlete, one of the best articles i've ever read on here. Tips to improve for sports and better lifting, not just aesthetics.
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
One of my favorite posts of all time. Literally SO accurate
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Jan 18, 2014
that's what makes it a lifestyle
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Posted by lginsberg
3 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
life questions
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 28, 2013
yes, wonderful advice
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Posted by lginsberg
2 Reposts Aug 25, 2013
and then get up and do it again 2x harder
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 21, 2013
This guys was actually heavy breathing benching just the bar today. Thats what I bench...(he also did 3 reps so like..??????)
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 10, 2013
Best feeling in the world, especially when you absolutely kill it
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 08, 2013
Way too accurate, laughing
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 05, 2013
Generally its not being able to open the protein powder, but same difference. Noodle arms are the best
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Jul 30, 2013
So true
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Jul 26, 2013