
Story of my life... or last few weeks
Comment Repost
Posted by jessicollins
0 Reposts Oct 07, 2014
My Solution: do them together twice per rotation!
Gonna get swole!
Quads and Buns: Chest and Tris : Back Hammies and Bis : Sh-Abs
Tried a new PR on parallel squats.. but I still need someone to pop my hips!
As much as my bra size has shrunk.... My booty does make up for it!!
Comment Repost
Posted by jessicollins
0 Reposts Jun 25, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by jessicollins
0 Reposts Jan 24, 2014
I would totally spot you fluffy kitty!!
Comment Repost
Posted by jessicollins
1 Repost Dec 19, 2013