
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Dec 04, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Apr 30, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Apr 17, 2014
I drink a lot of water. about 16-18 glasses a day. This article suggests I double that.... Going to drink even more from now on.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Apr 11, 2014
You need to do cardio, and you need to get stronger? Well, this cardio circuit provides both! Your heart rate will increase and your muscles will feel the tension of kettlebell lifts. Join me and get slim!
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Feb 19, 2014
If you're no longer psyched to set foot in the gym with your routine, it's time to include these high-reward exercises to reenergize your workout.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Feb 19, 2014
You need to do cardio, and you need to get stronger? Well, this cardio circuit provides both! Your heart rate will increase and your muscles will feel the tension of kettlebell lifts. Join me and get slim!
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Feb 19, 2014
Froning prevailed in 2011, but it’s a new year with new challengers -- and challenges. We’ve got 5 of Rich's workouts in honor of the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2014
Love it or hate it, CrossFit has found its place in the fitness world. Not sure what you think about it? Before you decide, try one of these workouts.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2014
Proper technique is key to any movement.
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Posted by javafixbarista
1 Repost Jan 12, 2014
Leg day is so nice, you better do it twice! I go heavy on legs early in the week and then finish them off with this powerful plyometric workout.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Nov 13, 2013
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I'm always "Trained like a man" which makes me feel and look more like a woman :)
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Aug 24, 2013
Don't overcomplicate strength training because a DVD said to. Harness the gains you seek with proven lifts and the principles of practice, efficiency, and intensity.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Aug 22, 2013
Hey ladies! If you focus on training your glutes, you'll get a whole body's worth of benefits! Here's the best way to a better rear end and a more aesthetic physique.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jul 16, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jul 12, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jul 01, 2013
Overtraining is the bogeyman of the bodybuilding world. But is it really the menace it's cracked up to be? Our Muscle Prof, Dr. Jacob Wilson, looks at the research and explains how to safely increase your workload.
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jun 29, 2013
Once Sylas is old enough to go to the gym daycare I'm going to give this a shot
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jun 10, 2013
Don’t start your day hating life. Launch yourself out the door and get your blood flowing with these morning workouts!
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2013
I lift
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Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts Jun 06, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by javafixbarista
0 Reposts May 09, 2013