
Get better results and spend less time in the gym! Increase the intensity, frequency, and effectiveness of your work and you'll be able to do more, faster.
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Posted by haley04
0 Reposts Dec 17, 2013
Stop complicating core stabilization with endless crunches and leg lifts. Start using basic lifts that build the foundation of strength and core training!
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Posted by haley04
0 Reposts Dec 11, 2013
Get your guns! Take a page out of Biggie's book and learn how he prepares his biceps and triceps for an important contest. Here's to volume!
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Posted by haley04
2 Reposts Dec 11, 2013
DTP combines heavy weight and high reps so you can build bigger wheels than ever before. Get ready for more than 500 reps. Get ready to grow.
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Posted by haley04
0 Reposts Dec 10, 2013
Build strength as well as size! Learn how to recruit more motor units and move more weight. Here are the tips and techniques you need.
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Posted by haley04
0 Reposts Dec 05, 2013
Squats rock, especially if you know how to do them correctly. Learn how to crush these three common squat mistakes and take your squat to new depths!
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Posted by haley04
2 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
Kris Gethin put Team Grenade through a punishing series of DTP workouts. This killer core workout is Grenade's way of saying thanks.
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Posted by haley04
1 Repost Oct 18, 2013