
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
6 Reposts Jul 02, 2013
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Posted by chaka2407
1 Repost Jul 02, 2013
Thanks @hammer92
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Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 27, 2013
Back training is a science. Study your back before you attack to ensure the best possible results. Read this before your next back day!
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Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Wondering why your back hasn't been improving for months and months? Bust your plateau with these 6 training tips that will build your back, guaranteed!
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Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
If pull-ups and lat pull-downs aren’t getting you the V-taper of your dreams, it’s time to perform the lat shrug. Police Sergeant Jim Vaglica shows you how it’s done!
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Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Pull-ups challenge your back like no other movement, but a few disparate sets won't transform your lats. Instead, try to survive this super-intense pull-up workout.
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Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 24, 2013
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Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Advanced bodyweight maneuvers are some of the ultimate strength tests, because trying to cheat will just leave you flat on your back. Meet the front lever, an isometric core massacre that will show you what you’re made of!
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Posted by chaka2407
1 Repost Jun 14, 2013