
I'm going to be doing this in the gym for leg day every week. Mmmmhmmm
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Posted by amsalinas23
0 Reposts Feb 06, 2014
This has been happening far too often at the gym lately.
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Posted by amsalinas23
3 Reposts Sep 02, 2013
Am I right? Luckily, at my gym, I have yet to see someone curling int he squat rack/squatting in the curl rack. ;) Gym etiquette, fellas.
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Posted by amsalinas23
1 Repost Jul 20, 2013
Guilty of committing this crime a couple times with my workout buddy... let all be warned! haha
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Posted by amsalinas23
2 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Ahahah...I always see these pictures and laugh. Such small legs!
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Posted by amsalinas23
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
So I heard people curl in the squat rack..
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Posted by amsalinas23
2 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
I was using this the other day and laughed after seeing this..
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Posted by amsalinas23
1 Repost Jun 13, 2013