
Are you considering becoming a personal trainer, or just wanting to be a better one? In either case, you need to work on developing yourself before you set foot on the gym floor. Here's your skills checklist!
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Posted by abdomin
0 Reposts Aug 20, 2013
If you're reading this article, it's a good bet that you have a radiating pain running down the back of your leg that just won't go away. If what I'm about to tell you sounds familiar, don't worry, help is on the way...
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Posted by abdomin
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
I couldn't resist, lol... You KNOW you're singing it!!
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Posted by abdomin
0 Reposts Aug 09, 2013
Great quote, Great bodybuilder
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Posted by abdomin
0 Reposts Aug 09, 2013
What's one of the main things people notice when your shirt is off? What do the girls go nuts over? Abs.
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Posted by abdomin
0 Reposts Aug 08, 2013
Perfect depiction of one of the most irritating things about a public gym.
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Posted by abdomin
0 Reposts Aug 05, 2013