I have found a superset technique that shocked my delts immensely after a long frustrating plateau. The side delts have always been my my favorite to watch grow! I found that you can kill them with a superset of dumbell presses...
This is the most difficult workout I do. Think you have what it takes to keep up? Swallow your fear, swallow your bile, swallow your pride, and start lifting.
In the old days, there were two kinds of squats: 'good' and 'bad.' Today, you can shop around between multiple versions of the movement. No more excuses. Get off the machines and give the squat a shot!
If a few brief hip flexor stretches is your idea of mobility work, you're cutting yourself short. Make hip mobility a priority, and your reward could be a better squat and less back pain!
Overtraining is the bogeyman of the bodybuilding world. But is it really the menace it's cracked up to be? Our Muscle Prof, Dr. Jacob Wilson, looks at the research and explains how to safely increase your workload.
No matter what your physique and athletic goals may be, greater hamstring, glute, and back strength can help. Meet the glute-ham raise, your ticket to a stronger backside!