
Well...since your up anyway, may as well do a couple sets of pushups right?
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Nov 27, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Nov 26, 2013
Well..this is one way that you can get an increase in a guy's vertical leap!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Nov 25, 2013
My dream girl....
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Nov 13, 2013
This is called hitting "THE WALL" of reality.
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Nov 13, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Nov 13, 2013
Workout interruptions come in all shapes and sizes...not all bad mind ya!
Your endless talking makes me angry...and you wouldn't like me when I get angry. STFU and lift!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Oct 28, 2013
Call it Tough go out there and share a little lovein....
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
3 Reposts Oct 28, 2013
Ready to hit it? oh yea!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Oct 21, 2013
Trust me, you are Unforgetable Now!!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
2 Reposts Oct 21, 2013
How you should feel right after taking your pre workout supplements and just prior to hitting the gym.
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Oct 21, 2013
Leg Day...ain't pretty and can get down right terrifying!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Oct 21, 2013
Need an excuse to GO to the gym...I think I found mine!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
2 Reposts Oct 15, 2013
Need help with those squats..pick me, pick me!
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Oct 15, 2013
Keep it short...and get to lifting bro.
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Oct 09, 2013
It would take a VERY strong man to walk away from this.
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Oct 09, 2013
Honestly...I'm a really great person inside...not talking personality of course. :p
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
0 Reposts Oct 09, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
2 Reposts Oct 09, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by TiberiusClaudis
1 Repost Oct 09, 2013