
20 min on the stair master nearly killed me this morning, followed by 15 min arc trainer. Work was so insane today I have only gotten in 2 meals. Think I did about 150 squats at work and have covered over 7 miles for the day so far. Exhausted!
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Feb 01, 2014
Despite not being able to lift like I want to, I still had a pretty active day! 30 min HIIT on the arc trainer before work and 30 min elliptical after work along w core work and 15 min of stretching and foam rolling!! Goodnight everyone!
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2014
Well didnt realize how cold it was going to be but still so much better than the treadmill!! Felt great to be out on the road in my minimal shoes. Now I'm exhausted. Still feeling the effects of the weekend though. Ready for some great workouts
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
Still focusing on weight lifting and high intensity cardio but feels good to be running again! Plus I have a half marathon in May to think about
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Jan 25, 2014
Day 9 Workout! Made myself stretch and foam roll today!! gotta keep it up! Didnt sweat much until I did cardio but I did increase all of my weights!!
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Jan 23, 2014
Here's my workout for day 6! Think I might log workouts this way. I'm not really liking the logging tool. Felt really strong today!
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2014
LOVE THIS!!! Keeps me focused on the body fat % not the number on the scale. STRONG WOMAN
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Posted by Tavierney
0 Reposts Mar 27, 2013