
Trying to lose weight, gain muscle or both? Read on and learn about the benefits of adding both cardio and carbs to your current program.
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Posted by Schei2012
0 Reposts Mar 06, 2014
The gym isn't always an option during the holidays. Use these three workouts to keep what you worked so hard to build!
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Posted by Schei2012
0 Reposts Dec 18, 2013
Will weight training make you bulky? Will carbs make you gain fat? What about 3 square meals a day? Discover the answers to the top 5 questions women need answered to start a fat loss program off right!
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Posted by Schei2012
1 Repost Nov 10, 2013
Washboard abs aren't easy to attain. But nothing worthwhile ever comes without effort. Commit to my 12 laws of lean and reap the six-pack benefits!
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Posted by Schei2012
0 Reposts Oct 31, 2013
I'm a trainer of celebrities and VIPs, an IFBB Men's Physique Pro, and a fitness advocate. I'd like to help you reach your goals by answering your tough questions!
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Posted by Schei2012
0 Reposts Sep 17, 2013
Breathe new life into your workout with IFBB pro Erin Stern's high-intensity routine.
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Posted by Schei2012
0 Reposts Sep 15, 2013
The rise of the core has led to a profusion of misinformation and confusion. Eliminate the training flubs that keep your abs in the shadows!
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Posted by Schei2012
0 Reposts Sep 04, 2013