
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Aug 09, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Apr 19, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Apr 09, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Apr 07, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Mar 27, 2014
Hugh Jackman took his strength and physique to new heights at an age when most men are slowing down. His trainer tells us how it happened and shares the 4-week program that made this man into a mutant!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Mar 20, 2014
We all need a little kick to the behind once in a while. Here are 23 ways to increase the fun and intensity of your workouts so you feel more motivated to do them!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Mar 20, 2014
Holding a funeral for your fat takes more than just wearing black to the service. Follow these tips from Team MuscleTech and burn fat fast!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Mar 20, 2014
This has happened at least once to all of us & this is how we felt! Haha
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Mar 04, 2014
Success is not in a bottle. It's in the kitchen and the gym.
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Mar 04, 2014
Not seeing the fat-loss results you've been training for? It may be because you're falling for some fat-loss falsehoods! Get the straight facts about fat loss right here.
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Feb 22, 2014
Kris Gethin is back, and he's here to help you get bigger than ever. Get ready to build muscle, strength, and power. Get ready to grow. Get ready for DTP.
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Jan 16, 2014
Push past fitness plateaus, ramp up your weight loss, and achieve your New Year's resolutions with these 50 fat-torching tips!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2014
If you think you have to lift heavy and rest light to grow, you only heard half the story. Use these science-backed recovery and time-under-tension tips to build muscle!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2014
This is the truth...
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Jan 02, 2014
Yeah, this about sums it up.
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Nov 21, 2013
Hugh Jackman took his strength and physique to new heights at an age when most men are slowing down. His trainer tells us how it happened and shares the 4-week program that made this man into a mutant!
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2013
Your chest program is due for an update. Get deeper, wider, and stronger with these science-based exercise tips!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Oct 10, 2013
Sitting is killing you! Simple exercise isn't going to stop it. Use your training to strategically address the problems brought about by modern humans' love affair with the chair!
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Oct 10, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Jul 23, 2013
Crunches and sit-ups can grow boring fast, and they're not as effective as you might think. These five effective 'indirect' ab exercises might serve you better.
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Posted by SReliford
0 Reposts Jul 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by SReliford
1 Repost Jul 18, 2013