
Comment Repost
Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2016
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Jan 18, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2016
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2016
Restricting blood flow to the arms or legs during training may sound crazy, but read on.
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
Monday is the Chest Day!!
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Sep 23, 2013
I've written more than 100 fitness articles that have been published all over the world. My goal is to help you get in the best shape possible!
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Sep 01, 2013
What is he doing??
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Aug 25, 2013
Every after picture reflects a pursuit of perfection. Vince Del Monte reveals what it took to perfect his own physique.
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Aug 08, 2013
You've heard the benefits of high-intensity cardio for weight loss, but you're concerned it'll cost you hard-earned muscle. Learn the truth!
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Aug 03, 2013
Overtraining is the bogeyman of the bodybuilding world. But is it really the menace it's cracked up to be? Our Muscle Prof, Dr. Jacob Wilson, looks at the research and explains how to safely increase your workload.
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2013
It's a momentous occasion when your abdominal muscles finally spring into view! It means ''before'' is long gone and ''after'' is in sight! Learn how stay six-packed year-round.
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Posted by RokkStarMan
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2013