
Laura Bailey spent her whole life cultivating elite athleticism, varied intelligence and dedication to fitness. See how she does it everyday!
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Posted by Renitajs
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
Want a body that stakes its claim on the gold every time you're on the stage for a fitness competition? Then you'll want to check out Felicia Romero's no nonsense training regimen.
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Posted by Renitajs
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
Kris Gethin is a master trainer and inspirational training partner. His 12-Week Hardcore Trainer has transformed bodies and lives. See the best, be the best. You're next!
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Posted by Renitajs
0 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
Shortcut to Shred will help you burn fat, build muscle, and gain strength. Learn how to train for all three goals. Get the science behind the shred.
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Posted by Renitajs
0 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
Sitting is killing you! Simple exercise isn't going to stop it. Use your training to strategically address the problems brought about by modern humans' love affair with the chair!
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Posted by Renitajs
0 Reposts Oct 18, 2013