
MFT28 is a hardcore, four-week, high-intensity fitness plan that will help you torch fat, build muscle, and get in the best shape of your life. Be more.
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Posted by Ram1r3z07
0 Reposts Sep 28, 2013
My buddy made this for a beast of a police officer.. So funny. I love it..
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Posted by Ram1r3z07
2 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
I miss that feeling!! Hope you all get this feeling every time you train! Train hard, eat clean enjoy your results
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Posted by Ram1r3z07
0 Reposts Jul 17, 2013
Ohh yess how i love the pain!!!! I love the feeling of being sore.. Thats not weird right????
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Posted by Ram1r3z07
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Lmfao!!!!! I sent this 2 my lil cousin, who always complains about being chunky but he does nothing about it.. He laughed and replied back saying ill never complain infront of you any more.. Hahaha
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Posted by Ram1r3z07
3 Reposts Jun 15, 2013
For real though!!! I hate it when it happens!!! #FML
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Posted by Ram1r3z07
3 Reposts Jun 15, 2013