
Hanging - favourite stretching exercise post workout. What is yours?
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Sep 26, 2024
As finisher - hacked SOLEUS exercise. Forgotten small muscle as many of us focus more on the gastrocnemius muscle. Turned my D-handle attachment to anchor my feet to perform this exercise. You can use a bench if you want.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts May 13, 2023
LUNGES - Weak on one leg? Try this not new workout hack with squat machine.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts May 13, 2023
One of my early workout this morning Balcony Sweeping.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts May 10, 2023
Thinking outside the box. I could have done it with cable or barbell to target my Trapz but opted to challenge more than my muscle but challenge my brain and nervous system as well. Had an amazing pump. First time performing this.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2023
Lats exercise with emphasis…
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Apr 05, 2023
Fit hack. Try this shoulder-back hack next time with your pec-dec machine.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Mar 23, 2023
Bosu - on your next core workout, I stead of just doing plank, try it with bosu and rock back and forth with control to engage more the obliques.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Mar 19, 2023
Supinated grip - try it not just to vary your exercise but especially when you are trying to rehabilitate your shoulder.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Mar 03, 2023
When it is too cold outside to jog, that’s the moment for me to use my treadmill to stay fit physically and mentally
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Dec 15, 2022
Lars workout with a twist. No need for heavy weight in performing this. Just the right amount of weight that you can twist at the bottom for 2sec. then control the eccentric phase.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2022
No abs roller? No problem. Improvise. Try this and your core will love it especially your sides.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Oct 30, 2022
Design my Temple. Design my Workout. I was aiming to hold for a full minute but fail to do so. Proud coz when I started this hanging exercise I could not even hold for more than 20sec.
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Oct 25, 2022
Got bored of the traditional bench press grip. This using the Trap bar to perform this exercise superset with pullover What do you think?
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Posted by RAWJOCK
0 Reposts Oct 22, 2022