
Want bigger, better-looking legs? Here's the workout that will show you the way. Squat, press, and lunge your way to dense, defined legs!
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Posted by Paud
0 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
Think it's too late for you? Pshaw. IFBB Pro Joe Palumbo soared past the half-century mark with a set of guns that make young men weep. Try his back and biceps workout!
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Posted by Paud
0 Reposts Jul 11, 2013
Sometimes wholesale program changes can do more harm than good. Instead, insert these 18 tip and twists to improve your current program and continue your physical progress.
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Posted by Paud
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Serious physique athletes know to use the right tool for the job of muscle growth. If you have to cheat just to get to the low end of 8-10 reps, stop and read this!
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Posted by Paud
0 Reposts Apr 21, 2013