
First ride on the new bike. I have much to learn about road biking.
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2015
Was planning a run this morning. Stepped outside, took 3 breaths and said "Eh... no." Mid-day lifting sesh is new plan.
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jun 12, 2015
Running be like...
Arm work + Cardio this morning. And yes... I am a #FitnessApp junkie.
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Apr 09, 2015
This Morning's Run Nothing about this run should have been as hard (or slow) as it was.
Today's workout was pic worthy. Will log and create template later.
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Mar 10, 2015
20150219 Legs + Cardio
20150212 Back and Biceps + Cardio
20150211 Chest & Triceps w/ Stepmill WU.
Feels great to get back in pool this week. Been ~4yrs since I've had a swim workout.
Killer workout. According to HRM I was gone for 10 seconds
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jan 30, 2015
20150129 - WU Run; Arms
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2015
1.27.2015 - Run
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2015
1.26.2015 SL5x5 A w/ Stepmill WU.
This morning's run. New 5k PR and sub 10:00 pace milestone.
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jan 22, 2015
1.22.2015. Bike warm-up (someone was on MY stepmill) and Stronglifts 5x5 B.
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Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jan 22, 2015
Not every run can be a 10. My previous 2 runs were fantastic. There wasn't much about this which wasn't pure work.
Stringlifts 5x5 workout A with Stepmill warm-up.
5.03mi; 10.09/mi: 37"F Great run this morning. First time I've gone over 5 miles in a long time and pace was fast (for my slow a$$).
Comment Repost
Posted by OldManMcGucket
0 Reposts Jan 19, 2015
Sometimes the fact that a rest day is earned and needed, doesn't make it suck any less.
4.83mi; 10:24/mi; 21"F
This morning's workout