
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Nov 28, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Nov 28, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Oct 11, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2014
Cory Gregory picked himself up by his bootstraps and built a career out of sheer strength and resolve. Here's how he maintains a competition-grade physique on the go!
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Sep 28, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Sep 27, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
2 Reposts Sep 27, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
1 Repost Sep 27, 2013
If you want to develop more muscle, then you better get ready to do some hard work and prepare for slow gains, for the body will only respond to a combination of resistance training, diet and rest.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Sep 22, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
If you're new to the world of weight training, you might feel isolated in your ignorance. Don't get left behind! Get the knowledge you need to get started right here.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Muscle Mechanics is a new video series from Pauline Nordin and Jim Stoppani, Ph.D. Get ready for advanced training techniques and cutting-edge fitness advice!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Advanced bodyweight maneuvers are some of the ultimate strength tests, because trying to cheat will just leave you flat on your back. Meet the front lever, an isometric core massacre that will show you what you’re made of!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
Need some training guidance? These three personal trainers reveal how they help their clients succeed. Their moderator? None other than our own Ripped Dude!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
In order to stimulate muscle growth you need to be in a caloric surplus and oftentimes some of those additional calories will get transfer to body fat. Here are ten tips for beginners that should help you gain muscle
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 02, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
2 Reposts May 29, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
7 Reposts May 29, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts May 29, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
1 Repost May 29, 2013
I lift alone inside this pit of iron
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts May 10, 2013
Before I precede any further I want to make one point clear, do not THINK you have a fast metabolism and try to follow this protocol because you will end up looking like Lee Priest in the off season pretty **** fast.
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts May 06, 2013
Get ready to burn fat, build muscle, boost strength, and get absolutely shredded in only six weeks. Get ready to achieve the best shape of your life. Get ready for Shortcut to Shred.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Apr 16, 2013
Kevin Hart is one of the funniest MF'rs EVER!
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2013