
IFBB Pro Jennifer Dawn doesn’t mess around when it comes to training legs and glutes. Follow her workout and you’ll turn heads—as you sprint by them!
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Posted by MissusMuscle
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
What is the best workout for a fitness model? Get some great workouts, supplement tips and more right here as our forum members continue with their savvy input!
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Posted by MissusMuscle
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
New workout accessories and training techniques with fancy names may have their place, but sometimes the basics deliver the biggest results. Check out these 10 must-read tips!
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Posted by MissusMuscle
1 Repost Apr 23, 2013
Sculpting a six-pack doesn't always mean hard work and buckets of sweat. Carve your abs the easy way with these 18 awesome tips!
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Posted by MissusMuscle
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2013
Many of the world's best bodies can be found on BodySpace, the home base for some spectacular amateurs. Check out these abs!
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Posted by MissusMuscle
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2013
The primary concern women have when it comes to weight training is, 'I don't want to get big or bulky.' We are here to tell you that you won't!
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Posted by MissusMuscle
0 Reposts Apr 03, 2013