
A commercial gym gives you a lot of training options, but it's not the only way to see great muscle gains! Follow this at-home workout with minimal equipment, and you will get in the best shape of your life while saving time and money!
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Posted by Kat05
1 Repost Jul 16, 2013
im feeling that today ha!
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Posted by Kat05
1 Repost Jul 15, 2013
The truth must be told!!!!!
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Posted by Kat05
0 Reposts Jul 13, 2013
The old saying 'muscle weighs more than fat' is cold comfort when you’re trying to transform and the scale just won’t drop. Here’s why you should keep the faith—and keep lifting!
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Posted by Kat05
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2013
It doesn't matter if you're trying to shed fat, pack on slabs of muscle, or trying diet and exercise for the first time. This starter kit is designed for you.
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Posted by Kat05
0 Reposts May 23, 2013
No room for excuses — you don't even have to go to the gym! You can do this workout at home and still enjoy a sexy and super-fit body.
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Posted by Kat05
0 Reposts May 23, 2013
Jennifer Nicole Lee has become a household name in over 90 countries in just under a decade. Fitness happens to be JNL's 'thing', and she's here to share it with you with these 4 videos!
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Posted by Kat05
0 Reposts May 23, 2013