
Comment Repost
Posted by Jen21878
0 Reposts Aug 12, 2014
There are shoulders, and then there are DLB shoulders. You want a pair of your own? Here's the workout that can help you build them! See if you can keep up.
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Posted by Jen21878
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2014
Great Read :) She has amazing legs!! To compete in the WBFF, Eleonora Dobrinina has to sport strong legs that showcase incredible shape and definition. Try her superset workout to build your own stage-worthy lower body!
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Posted by Jen21878
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2014
Think those crunches are helping you earn that 6-pack? Not as much as you think. These five ab movements are more effective.
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Posted by Jen21878
0 Reposts Aug 07, 2013
Pull Through
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Posted by Jen21878
0 Reposts May 22, 2013
Smith Machine Hip Raise
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Posted by Jen21878
0 Reposts May 22, 2013