
We're starting Elite Body with an intense, compound-exercise shoulder smash and following it up by crushing our biceps and triceps! Get in the gym and earn your elite.
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Mar 10, 2014
Too many lifters are trapped in isolation exile. Don't let your gains fall prey to your love of curls. Get in the game with compound movements!
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Feb 15, 2014
Leg day is a sacred ritual for every serious bodybuilder. Try these expert tips from IFBB Pro Evan 'Ox' Centopani and take your lower body to a higher level.
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2013
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2013
The complete Power Bodybuilding program. 12 weeks of superhero training for superhuman results! Want that S across your chest? Train like Mike, to the letter.
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Oct 22, 2013
Kris Gethin put Team Grenade through a punishing series of DTP workouts. This killer core workout is Grenade's way of saying thanks.
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
Hard work can leave you in a heap. Work hard and smart and convert your animalistic rage into pure strength and muscle. These brutal workouts will push you to the limit and move you closer to reaching your potential!
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
Green Bay Packers linebacker Clay Matthews forged a career out of hard work, football genetics, and love of iron. This straight-set workout helps him rip through double-teams to terrorize quarterbacks!
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Oct 15, 2013
Abs are enshrouded by excess fat, in part because ab training is enshrouded in mystery. Cut through the ignorance and the belly flab with Lee's help!
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Oct 10, 2013
It only takes 10 days for a rotund caterpillar to transform itself into a monarch butterfly. Just imagine what you could do if you got your diet and training in line for an entire month. OK, now stop imagining and go do it!
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Posted by Jdot5
0 Reposts Aug 08, 2013