
Comment Repost
Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2014
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2014
That six-pack hiding under your belly fat doesn't have to stay there! Learn how to make those ripped abdominal dreams a reality.
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Jan 19, 2014
Being new to weightlifting is one of the biggest muscle-building advantages you can have. Here's how to maximize your rewards.
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Jan 19, 2014
Crunches and sit-ups can grow boring fast, and they're not as effective as you might think. These five effective 'indirect' ab exercises might serve you better.
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Aug 23, 2013
What's that sound? It's you, moaning and holding your aching abdominals after a tough training session. But don't look around for the yoga mat or infomercial device. We're working the abs they way they should be worked - by battling gravity!
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Aug 23, 2013
It may not look like much, but the plank can't be beat for building strong abs from the inside out. Discover why a minute spent planking is never wasted!
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
1 Repost Aug 23, 2013
Think those crunches are helping you earn that 6-pack? Not as much as you think. These five ab movements are more effective.
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Aug 23, 2013
You don't have to be a kinesiology expert to understand the importance of anatomy. Learn which abdominal muscles do what and which exercises train them most effectively.
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
Use these 10 abdominal truths to effectively burn fat, target your abs, and build a strong six-pack.
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
Your core is a critical player in nearly every exercise. Build the six-pack strength you need with this fast-paced, super-intense, ab-carving workout!
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
1 Repost Aug 16, 2013
Your abs aren't one muscle. They're a complex network of powerful muscle groups that help you perform your best. Get to know the members of the team, and work them with the exercises that they like best!
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Posted by HARRY8GYM
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013