
The shoulder is the most complicated joint in the body to rehabilitate and as such magnifies the importance of rehabilitation. Get an in-depth look right here to learn more... you can regain your range of motion.
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Posted by H60flyboy
0 Reposts Nov 19, 2013
When a bodybuilder eats a hypercaloric diet, their goal is not just to gain weight, which could be both fat and lean mass, but rather to gain LEAN MASS. The strategies outlined here will help endomorphs gain lean mass, not fat mass.
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Posted by H60flyboy
0 Reposts Jul 21, 2013
Do you want to improve your strength and get huge at the same time? Here's a training framework for the most productive workouts of your life.
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Posted by H60flyboy
0 Reposts Jul 14, 2013
Regardless of your body type, there is a plan of attack to help you get the results you are looking for. The idea is to accept the body type you are and then follow a plan of action to eat and train for that body type.
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Posted by H60flyboy
0 Reposts Mar 17, 2013