
Advertising for my fit friend Ren Jones - you can find him online at I am currently training with Jeremy Reid Fitness and he can be found at Hope you all had a great weekend!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2016
Wednesday PUMP Day! Hope you all got your grind on today - Keep up the hard work!!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Feb 04, 2016
Training 6 days a week. I just increased my carb intake so let the gains begin! I feel like I am already seeing a little fluff - gotta gain before I can cut, trying to trust the process. Stay focused and keep smashing those workouts!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Feb 02, 2016
Worked arms and abs today. Happy Flex Friday!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Jan 30, 2016
I worked legs again today. My 8 year old came out and did a little training with me, she was so cute flexing to show me how strong she is now that she can do one pull up! I am struggling to consume the 2100 calories a day I need to see gains!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2016
Had a fantastic workout today. Was supposed to lift yesterday and rest today, but I was so sore from Friday's session I felt a rest day would be best (after 5 days straight of lifting) I was able to give 100% today, so I know I made the right choice.
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Jan 25, 2016
Had a great workout today-hope you all did too!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2016
I worked back/calves/abs today. Not sure why this pic keeps loading sideways - not really in the mood to figure out how to fix it.
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Jan 16, 2016
Body Beast is one of my favorite workout programs. If you buy this program - JUST the base kit, and you follow the program, I guarantee you will see results!
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Posted by Emleaders
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2016