
MY quest for symmetry has made me evaluate how poor/good guys leg development is, as they walk by. It is strange the number of guys with NO LEG development yet have some upper body, and then I see them doing chest and bi's, AGAIN.. #symmetry
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2015
Strained my MCL a little last week, so I've been taking it very careful, and it feels much better now. #SmarterNotHarder
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jan 13, 2015
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jan 06, 2015
I keep seeing this everyday, either on their phone or reading a book, and barely moving. The only thing I can think of is....."get off the machine so someone who will put an effort into themselves can use it."....
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Dec 30, 2014
Well it's OFFICIAL - I have issues. Just registered for Ironman Couer d'Alene, June 28th. I'm posting this unflattering picture to remind myself how painful 15 1/2 hours are when you don't train enough volume. #GotAplan #TimeToStartPuttingInTheWork
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Dec 07, 2014
Back and Bi day! #TimeToDoWork!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Dec 07, 2014
If you want wheels you gotta go a$$ to grass baby! Go deep!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Dec 04, 2014
EVERYTIME I post something about people who don't train legs, someone gives me $h!t about how hard they train, yet they don't develop. I get it, they're YOUR excuses, use them as you want - just STOP TELLING ME!
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Posted by DaneO
1 Repost Nov 29, 2014
Ugh! Here we go! #NoExcuses! #TimeToDoWork!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Nov 24, 2014
I'm frustrated with excuses, mine & folks on here. When I wrote about lack of legs on guys, I received all kinds of excuses. I realized something, MY excuses are all I care about - care about GETTING RID OF. Shoulder surgery - NOT AN EXCUSE! #DoWork
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2014
Mondays are my LEG days. After a day off, it is my strongest day (normally). Chest, like back, arms, shoulders, core - all on a schedule. Work them EQUALLY to insure you don't get SLBS - Shrunken Lower Body Syndrome! #Symmetry!
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Posted by DaneO
1 Repost Nov 06, 2014
I believe in balance and symmetry, that's why I hate "Monday Chest day," it drives me nuts to see guys always doing chest on Monday, with large upper bodies, and tiny little scrawny legs. But if they don't mind, why should I, right?
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2014
I think I enjoy seeing others (and by that I mean my clients and those I help) do well, more than my success. If I can help one person make a change that they weren't able to make on their own I feel as if my education/certification was all worth it!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Oct 15, 2014
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Oct 12, 2014
Stop f-ing around, get up on the bar and start pulling!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Oct 11, 2014
Guess what day it is......YUP!! Time to build them wheels!!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Oct 08, 2014
(MY opinion is) If your trainer looks like THEY need a trainer, then maybe you should rethink how you are spending your money. If they don't walk the walk, maybe they shouldn't talk the talk........(just my opinion).
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Posted by DaneO
1 Repost Sep 24, 2014
I think this is my new favorite!!
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Posted by DaneO
2 Reposts Aug 28, 2014
Guess what day it is, whooo whooo!!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jul 28, 2014
LEG DAY *******!! WAY TOO MUCH Pre-Workout drink! HERE WE GO!!! Time to do work! Build them wheels!!!
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Posted by DaneO
1 Repost Jul 24, 2014
Here we go!
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jul 23, 2014
All the cute sayings, "drastic results require drastic effort (I coined that one, constantly use it), "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you," and the original, "no pain, no gain." You HAVE TO get out of your comfort zone.
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jul 22, 2014
I can't say I've never been this guy. On the flip side, one day, an attractive woman in the squat rack next to me said, "aren't you going to say something about my form?" - Because EVERY guy wandered over and gave her "pointers." Tiring to watch.
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Posted by DaneO
1 Repost Jul 20, 2014
SOCKS!! I've never thought about it until now, but is that why it's so fashionable to wear long socks again? So LESS calf and leg shows? Holy crap! When asked how he got his calves to grow, Arnold said, "I wear shorts."
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Posted by DaneO
0 Reposts Jul 18, 2014