
Ok-so my Leg Day was not as epic as I planned it to be. Focused more on lower weights and correct form..legs are feeling it this morning. I guess it was a good workout after all.
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Posted by DAJ48
0 Reposts Jun 17, 2016
Active Rest Day-Time for Bro Yoga!
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Posted by DAJ48
0 Reposts Jun 16, 2016
My focused eating the day before, my great night's sleep and then my meals today-helped me have a great work out. Not sure why my workouts are not posting. I have seen others have an issue-now its my turn
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Posted by DAJ48
0 Reposts Jun 06, 2016
Ok-So i was working out with a buddy-had a great work out since we pushed each other hard-but it took much longer than expected
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Posted by DAJ48
0 Reposts Jun 05, 2016
First Day of New Program
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Posted by DAJ48
1 Repost May 01, 2016
Shoulder Day
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Posted by DAJ48
0 Reposts Apr 28, 2016
Shoulder Day
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Posted by DAJ48
0 Reposts Apr 28, 2016