
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts Apr 06, 2015
Its a good chart. Especially if you want to get that pump and you don't have any weights around.
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Posted by BuildingPaul
2 Reposts Mar 25, 2015
What is the best fat loss workout? Find out what other people from the message boards think ...
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
What is the best 12-week fat loss transformation workout for men? This is plenty of time to set some short-term fitness goals. Enhance your lifestyle now with the following programs and tips for an amazing transformation!
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
definitely true
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
1 Repost May 16, 2013
This is for anyone trying to lose some weight and look better! Try it out.
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 16, 2013
Stick to the following workouts for a full six weeks while keeping your diet clean, and that shredded body you could never achieve through endless cardio sessions will be yours very soon.
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 14, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 14, 2013
it was written...
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 13, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 11, 2013
train beyond the pain
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 11, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
1 Repost May 10, 2013
Ryan Hughes is a beast in the gym, and he’s quickly making his presence known in the fitness world. He wasn’t always mister muscles though.
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 10, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
1 Repost May 09, 2013
Not doing it to the T but I am doing it 3 to 5 days a week just depends on the day its just my extra cardio
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 09, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 09, 2013
Carved, huge, rippling legs are one of the most impressive sights to behold.
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Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 08, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts May 08, 2013
**** YEAH!!! this was me on legs the other day wanted to stop before the last station but I fought thru it and **** near wanted to die
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Posted by BuildingPaul
1 Repost May 08, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2013
You may dislike cardio, but don’t treat it as an afterthought! Make a good plan of attack and win the war on fat.
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2013
Unchain yourself from the elliptical and burn fat at a blinding speed with these 10 unique cardio workouts!
Comment Repost
Posted by BuildingPaul
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2013