
Best day, chest day! IG: texasmuscl
Trying to start the week on the right foot with a little muscle Monday madness! Hope you all had a great weekend!
Still working hard and trying to be the best version of myself every day. Hope you all are getting monster pumps and getting massive as we roll into March!
A new month, new year, and new goals! For many, we stand on the shoulders of our past self building on that strong foundation, as we dive deeper into our fitness journey. May you all be productive, prosperous and healthy in this new year.
Monday morning pump session! I have been preparing for my next half marathon happening this weekend. I have a 5k run on Saturday, then the half marathon on Sunday. A lot of preparation has gone into this,hoping it goes well. Have a great week!
Happy Flex Friday fit friends! I hope you all had a successful week of training. If you struggled a bit to get through your workouts, remember that the work you put in today will pay off in the long run so stay the course and keep moving forward!
Good morning BodySpace! I hope everyone's hump day is going well. An update from me as I blast my upper body. I'm in the middle of training for another half marathon in December so that means a lot more running. Take care and have a good one friends!
Is it October already? I know that it's tempting to stay in bed when these cool autumn days arrive. The sun comes up later in the morning and it sets earlier in the evening. Whatever your goals are, consistency is the only way. Have a great weekend!
I worked my chest and triceps yesterday morning and I'm feeling it today! That nice sore feeling lets me know that I did something worthwhile and growth, strength, and gains are soon to follow. I hope you all have a fantastic Flex Friday!
Happy Flex Friday, BodySpace! Decided to round out the week with a quick shoulders and arms session. The summer seems to be endless here in Texas so if you live in a hot weather area like me, I hope you're staying hydrated and cool. Take care y'all!
Today I chose to muscle through my workout. At the beginning I was feeling a bit fatigued, I guess from all the activities from this past weekend but I'm glad I chose to pick up those dumbbells and get my mind ready for the work week ahead! Be good!
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Jul 24, 2023
I started this long holiday weekend running my butt off! Starting it off on Saturday with a 10k race then today on The Fourth of July, a fun 5k run to cap it all off. Medals, smiles, miles, good health...what more can one ask for? Happy Fourth!
After a week off, I'm trying to get this rig back on track. More on my IG: MsclUpTex. Have a great day everyone!
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Jun 05, 2023
If fitness, the past is always present. Remnants of yesterday linger on this new day: sore muscles, callused hands, a scrape on your shin from a heavy set. We plant the seeds today to cultivate a better future. Good morning from Texas,BodySpace!
The only thing you can control is your attitude and your work ethic. A nice and easy 4-miler on the treadmill for recovery. It's Tuesday morning, the sun is shining. Let's attack the day guys. You got this!
First Friday of February on this fabulous Flex Friday! Have a fantastic day everybody! :-)
It's the Year of the Tiger and today I have the eye of the tiger with a 5.5 mile (8.85 KM) run. Actually, fell a little short of my goal distance but something is better than nothing! Happy Lunar New Year, yall!
Brick by brick...we're not building walls to keep others out, rather, we are laying the foundation for a strong and healthy tomorrow! An early morning weekend lift. No rest for the driven! Good morning y'all!
A taco Tuesday 10KM (6.22 mile) run! Y'all make it a great day! :)
A nice hump day 4-mile (6.44 KM) run. I injured my back, yesterday guys! Felt better this morning so I decided to do a little shake-out run to see where I'm at. Remember, a setback is just a setup for a comeback! BOOM! Y'all be good today!
Over and over...Let go of that which does not serve you and choose those things that bring you joy, clarity, and meaning to your life. Sunday morning 9-mile (14.48KM) run.
I get a break this week guys! A beautiful 12 mile (19.31 km) Sunday morning run. I tried to keep a nice, even pace throughout my workout. Y'all stay blessed and enjoy your day!
A Thursday morning 5-mile run on this Veterans Day. As we honor those who have served let us not forget those brave warriors who have still not made it back home. You may be gone, but you are not forgotten!
Tuesday Chest Shoulders and Triceps!