
50 Jumping Jacks, 50 Sec.Treadmill 6.0mph 12% Incline, 50 Pullups, 50 Second Plank, 50 Squats, 50 Sec.Treadmill 6.0mph 12% Incline, 50 Burpees, 50 Wide Hand Pushups, 50 Supermans, 50 Sec.Treadmill 6.0mph 12% Incline, 50 High Knees REPEAT 3 TIMES
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
1 Repost Oct 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jul 15, 2013
Don't be that girl that drives to the gym to ride the bike or run on the treadmill. Go lift!
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Posted by AshliFitness
3 Reposts Jul 10, 2013
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Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jul 04, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 25, 2013
Today is rest day ugh:/
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Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
This is what my apartment stairs looked and felt like today after my leg workout
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Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
2 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AshliFitness
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013