
For the next few weeks, switch your goal from fat-loss to muscle-building. You'll effectively utilize those extra calories and feel less stressed about having a few bites of pie!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Dec 11, 2013
Washboard abs aren't easy to attain. But nothing worthwhile ever comes without effort. Commit to my 12 laws of lean and reap the six-pack benefits!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Nov 01, 2013
Abs are shrouded by excess fat, in part because ab training is shrouded in mystery. Cut through the ignorance and the belly flab with Lee's help!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Oct 12, 2013
Plenty of training modalities don't live up to the hype. High-intensity interval training definitely does. Aside from the known health benefits, it'll leave you on the ground begging for mercy. Here's how to get started.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Sep 13, 2013
Find the best moves to make your guns go 'pop,' as chosen by you in our exercise database!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Aug 30, 2013
Are you considering becoming a personal trainer, or just wanting to be a better one? In either case, you need to work on developing yourself before you set foot on the gym floor. Here's your skills checklist!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Aug 28, 2013
Don’t start your day hating life. Launch yourself out the door and get your blood flowing with these morning workouts!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Jun 06, 2013
So tempted to try crossfit!!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts May 21, 2013
Squats rock, especially if you know how to do them correctly. Learn how to crush these three common squat mistakes and take your squat to new depths!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts May 20, 2013
Doing CrossFit with Rich Froning is like playing hoops with LeBron or golf with Tiger. Let's see if you can hang!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts May 08, 2013
You can have the biggest arms in the world, but if they're not connected to some boulder shoulders or thick, tall traps, you're going to look silly. Build the traps you want with these 5 movements!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2013
I wanna give this a try in July!!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Apr 20, 2013
I wonder hoe efficient it would be to do just once a week (on weekends) apart from my usual gym schedule.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Mar 31, 2013
You may dislike cardio, but don’t treat it as an afterthought! Make a good plan of attack and win the war on fat.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Mar 22, 2013
Totally have to try this out during my may-june schedule!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Mar 06, 2013