
This workout definitely gets the heart rate going! Use a weight that is heavy enough to challenge you, but also light enough for you to not break up the sets which will keep the intensity high.
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Posted by AmandaDollman
0 Reposts Jul 29, 2013
Great little WOD, definitely works full body, especially core. Guys RX weight is 45kg (100lb)
This recovery day workout was fun! My heart rate was high the entire time, howeverI felt awesome @ the end. It was a rest day for my mind today and I just went into train with friends and enjoy myself.
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Posted by AmandaDollman
0 Reposts Jul 21, 2013
How long will this take you? Give it a shot! ....... And if any of you girls out there are like me and enjoy a real challenge (which is a no brainer), do the male standards & weights. ;)
I can't remember the last time I maxed out my heart rate, 103% BOOM! Insane workout today, totally blitzed everyone in the session. Determined, motivated, unstoppable.