
Just wanted to let y'all know about an awesome sale! BOGO! Whaaat!?!! Nothing better than a free tub of protein! The sale ends tonight though guys, so get on it!
Alright guys.... Here is your change to get stocked up on the ALL the MUSCLETECH stuff I have been posting!! The NitroTech Crunch bars, the new VaporX5... Plus my staples that I use in a regular. Simply click to the store enter the offer code!!!!
Keeping my diet on point, and my Hangry attitude at bay! All while making me think I'm eating a decadent price of chocolate cake... How do you compete with that!?! Simple... YOU DONT!!!
Best tasting one yet!! Seriously tastes like a moist, gourmet chocolate cake, but better cause it's power packed with 22g of protein!! BOMB DIGGITY!
Snapchat takeover for MuscleTech. Follow REALMUSCLETECH for today's fun and a typical breakdown in supplements. Shown here is part of my pre: naNOX9 and Clear Muscle
Best pre workout stack out there! The pump from the naNOX9 and NOxTEST is UNREAL! The anabolic properties of Clear Muscle and PhosphaMuscle that has the incredible musclebuilding effects of phosphatidic acid, makes this stack beyond effective!!
Step1: Head over to my IG (LCARTER02) and read my last post about this product and why I like it apart of my preworkout stack. Step 2: Go to the Bodybuildingcom store and pick it up Step 3: Let me know how you like it!
Gains, Upon gains, Upon Gains!!! Refueling after a workout is just as important as fueling up for a workout!
My Mission 1 Bar carried me through a crazy weekend down at Camp Pendleton for the Mud Run! I had such a blast meeting so many awesome people, running the 10K and hanging out. But it was exhausting and these bad boys were in my back pocket :)
Nows your chance to stock up on the SX7 Black Onyx line, I keep posting about! It's a GNC exclusive line, so you should go take full advantage of their Memorial Day Sale. Any questions.. Feel free to ask :)
This is ALWAYS my go to for after my fasted cardio. I drink it on the way home so I can quickly switch from a catabolic state to anabolic.
Comment Repost
Posted by lindicarter5
0 Reposts May 24, 2016
My go to stack!! Seriously LOVE the results I have gotten since I started incorporating them into my routine!
Happy Forth guys!! Time for you to stock up on ALL those Bad *** supplements, I'm always posting about! And if you have ANY QUESTIONS regarding any of our supplements, leave a comment below and I'll get back to quickly so you get the deal!
Comment Repost
Posted by lindicarter5
0 Reposts May 04, 2016
This is how I start every morning!! Coffee protein shake while I get kiddos dropped off. Then the meals start! Snapchat: L_CARTER02 IG: LCARTER02 -motivation posted today, check it out, but READ IT!!
How do you hit a heavy leg day on 3 Hours of sleep? SHATTER! Yesterday's leg day was nothing short of intense when powered by Shatter. It was a debate between sleep or gym.. Well gym won ;) Snapchat: L_CARTER02 IG: LCARTER02
Just wanted to give you guys a heads up!! My FAVORITE AMINOS ARE ON SUPER SALE!!! WHATTT!?!!! You better stock up cause I've never seen them this low. So so good!!
"A picture is worth a thousand words!" Here's the deal guys, anyone can say anything about a supplement, but the proof is in the picture. You can back and see the remarkable change in my physique. The supps I post about are legit.
Post workout shake ;) tastes so good makes you wanna slap yo mama!!
Follow MuscleTechs Snapchat "REALMUSCLETECH" this is my Preshoulder day stack!! Any questions feel free to ask :)
Comment Repost
Posted by lindicarter5
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2016
My go to for night time cardio ;)
I have hacked MuscleTechs snapchat! Talking about everything from eyebrows, to supplements, shoulder workouts and bugs! Go follow: 'REALMUSCLETECH'
Bedtime like a BOSS!
Comment Repost
Posted by lindicarter5
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2016
Gettin out beast mode on!!! Who can name the stack? (I've been posting it often!) Hint: they are all MuscleTech ;)
Just like you have to have a solid foundation in every other aspect of your life, your relationships, your job, ect.. You have to have a solid foundation in your fitness journey. Build it right and it will last, make shortcuts and it won't be solid