Happy Valentine's Day!
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Posted by rpittet
0 Reposts Feb 15, 2015
Workout & Die !? What a relief it was when I fully flipped the page over :P
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Posted by rpittet
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2015
Not sure if I go to the gym a lot because I'm single or if I'm single because I go to the gym a lot.
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Posted by rpittet
1 Repost Jan 07, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by rpittet
1 Repost May 04, 2014
So dirty I love it.
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Posted by rpittet
0 Reposts Apr 20, 2014
This is my brain being FRIED right now. Who plans a final to be the first and last test for an entire course that consisted of four hour lectures, with a flip classroom design, in a health field!!???
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Posted by rpittet
1 Repost Apr 11, 2014
Mah guns...
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Posted by rpittet
1 Repost Mar 22, 2014
Happy Saint Pattys Day :)
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Posted by rpittet
1 Repost Mar 17, 2014
Moar Money!
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Posted by rpittet
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2014
To the gym!
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Posted by rpittet
2 Reposts Jan 21, 2014