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Posted by hankthetank2009
0 Reposts Jan 19, 2016
Hahahaha to be easier in the knees of course!
Interested email It's pretty awesome, right up our alley!
Comment Repost
Posted by hankthetank2009
0 Reposts Sep 13, 2013
Do you see what I see??? Got a #hot date tonight!! .... #longterm #relationship #love #her :-) #stoked! Be back later!
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Posted by hankthetank2009
0 Reposts Aug 28, 2013
Things that make you go hmmmm..well let's do it ! #like #ponder #answer and check back to see how many we get! Should be #interesting I'm #excited so I'll go first! Inequality
Comment Repost
Posted by hankthetank2009
1 Repost Aug 22, 2013
One of the nicest and sweetest things that has been done for me in a while..the #wonderful daughter of one of my #bestfriends in the world, which I have not seen in ages, made me this...quietly and unprovoked, pretty #awesome she thought of me
Comment Repost
Posted by hankthetank2009
0 Reposts Aug 22, 2013