B eagles .Bodybuilding EAGLES go to the white house when there ready. Hi Us-ton jones.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2018
Houston Jones gets shot with 2000 BB's this week.
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Posted by grizzywald
1 Repost Dec 09, 2017
The grizzywald convertible bit the dust.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Dec 07, 2017
Not really weight lifting music....Had the poster on my wall though.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Nov 17, 2017
This just in.....if you get a job working on a government job and they ask you write down nicknames in the last seven years on the application.Write "Dictated" see sparky for reference. Seriously.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2017
Houston Jones enters competition against Zak Ottow. This is what I got...diamond ott.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Oct 25, 2017
Mr. Houston Jones a Grizzywald fan gets into the ring with bear spray....Bear spray has pesticides not the (OC) pepper has. I guess i owe him Proverbs "Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man."
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Oct 15, 2017
Bob Holiday (the Man of Steel) Aqua Velva Commerical 1966
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2017
Man of Steel .1-27-2017 R.I.P.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2017
I thought i was working out @ the Y.M.C.A come to find out Wen I got their 90% employee's were female. A real Paradox.
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Posted by grizzywald
0 Reposts Feb 03, 2017