to all the special AMERICAN MUMS have a great day
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts May 08, 2016
this sums up all social media
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts May 07, 2016
maybe just maybe there is a reason all of your bodyspace friends don't like and comment every single pic , workout or status you post not everybody is on here all of the time
so glad I workout at home on my own sometimes
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Mar 30, 2016
well not the men anyway lol
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2016
just finished a great bi n tri workout and I feel this good !!!!
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Feb 24, 2016
happy new year fit family
have a great 2016 everyone
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 31, 2015
was so much easier for us ugly guys back then lol
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 28, 2015
lol sooo true
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 27, 2015
time to be more focused and committed
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Posted by getFITbefore40
1 Repost Dec 27, 2015
not at all gym related but made me smile and made me think on a serious note remember to think of other less fortunate this time of year !!!
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 26, 2015
watch this space
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 24, 2015
lol happy Saturday fit fam
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2015
nothing to do with the gym but made me smile lol have a happy and sexy Saturday fit fam
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 12, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 10, 2015
lol happy Saturday fit fam
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 09, 2015
lets do this
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 07, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Nov 25, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Nov 21, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Nov 21, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Nov 15, 2015