Happy Thorsday to all my Thanes who TRAIN!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 13, 2015
Wishing y'all a perfect T-Tuesday!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 10, 2015
It's been a busy day, so this is getting posted a little later than I usually like. But it's never too late to announce the coming of yet another THORSDAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2015
wcw. Taylor Dayne Loyd. There are no words... Oh wait, yes there are. "TATTOOED MEGA BABE!!!!"
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2015
It's been a looooooooong time, but he's back! Happy T-Tuesday, fools!!!! -Dave
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 03, 2015
It's THORSDAY!!!!! Just in case you needed an excuse for adventure and senseless mayhem today.
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Dec 18, 2014
E=T-Tuesday, Fool!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Dec 16, 2014
Wishing you all VICTORY on this mighty Thorsday!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Dec 11, 2014
Almost forgot. Happy Tea Tuesday everyone!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Dec 09, 2014
Thorsday. Bringin' the BOOM back!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Dec 04, 2014
Another T-Tuesday. So SMILE Fool!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Dec 02, 2014
Happy Thorsgiving.
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 27, 2014
Another T-Tuesday. Another reason to tear sh!t up.
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2014
Another Thorsday means one week closer to your immortal DESTINY!!!! Destroy, Fit Fam! DESTROY!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Oct 16, 2014
Happy T-Tuesday one and all.
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2014
Another T-Tuesday is upon you! Release the Animal, Fool!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Oct 07, 2014
Thorsday!!!! Bring the ruckus, and bring on the PAIN!!!!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Oct 02, 2014
Happy T-Tuesday to all you fools! It's been a weird one...
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Sep 30, 2014
Who knows what daaaaaaay it iiiiiiiiiiis...? >;)
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Sep 25, 2014
Shine like The T, fool! Happy T-Tuesday all! (Better late than never.)
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Sep 23, 2014
That sums it up nicely. Happy THORSDAY!!!!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2014
Anybody know what day it is...? Thaz RIGHT! T-Tuesday! Enter all ye fools who wish to be SAVED!!!!
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Posted by dangerbronco
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2014
Happy Thorsday, friends! Because mortality is for boring people...
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Posted by dangerbronco
2 Reposts Sep 11, 2014
It's T-Tuesday! Yes we can, fool!
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Posted by dangerbronco
1 Repost Sep 09, 2014