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Posted by MichaelPTA
2 Reposts Apr 13, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MichaelPTA
0 Reposts Apr 13, 2014
Friday night with the iron.
Comment Repost
Posted by MichaelPTA
1 Repost Apr 04, 2014
Had to attend a funeral for a 12 year old boy......F' you cancer is all I can say
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Posted by MichaelPTA
0 Reposts Mar 30, 2014
even though sometimes it just isn't....trying to move forward isn't as easy some days but, I'm trying
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Posted by MichaelPTA
0 Reposts Mar 04, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MichaelPTA
2 Reposts Feb 26, 2014