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Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Jan 21, 2015
Haha....everyone knows this muthafukka.
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Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2015
Wish me luck. Gonna be dealing with this sh!t again in a bit here.'s chest day! Let the beatings begin!
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2015
I try not to give any f*cks either. Wait, that's not true I do try to..........nevermind.
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Jan 04, 2015
You all know what I'm talking about.
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Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Dec 25, 2014
Don't even know what this meme says. Just saw two of my favorite things in the same meme and knew it was good.
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Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2014
I do I do! And it is! I also smell like beef and cheese.
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Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2014
My reaction when people who clearly have no idea what they are talking about try to offer me lifting or dietary advice. "I heard Dr. Oz say that............."
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2014
Not a big fan of cardio here. Although I need to add it for heart health I will stick to dietary adjustments for fat loss. FU cardio.
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Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2014
E. All the above
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Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Dec 10, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2014
Bahahaha. Shields up!
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Nov 15, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Nov 06, 2014
Inspired by @Gatorzzzfan
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Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Nov 05, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Nov 02, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Oct 31, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Oct 29, 2014
Be the best you possible and change for no one.
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Oct 29, 2014
Haha.........never too young or old to appreciate nice things.
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Oct 24, 2014
No more giving
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Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Oct 24, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
1 Repost Oct 22, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
2 Reposts Oct 22, 2014
So true. Any takers?
Comment Repost
Posted by MASSter
0 Reposts Oct 22, 2014