And for a little something less serious...yeah, yeah toilet humor, but you gotta love the minions! Lol. :)
Comment Repost
Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Apr 02, 2015
Looks aren't everything. Real beauty is in the heart.
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Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Feb 11, 2015
Yup!! Exactly...
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Posted by LeeStone65
1 Repost Feb 07, 2015
Laughing works your abs and makes you smile...gotta love Ron Burgundy!! :-)
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Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Feb 03, 2015
You can't change someone else, but you can change how you respond to it.
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Posted by LeeStone65
3 Reposts Nov 29, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Nov 28, 2013
A friend shared this one with me...Don't just go through your life, drink it all in. :)
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Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Nov 28, 2013
From pain comes wisdom...
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Posted by LeeStone65
1 Repost Nov 27, 2013
Train your inside as much as you train your outside...let the beauty of what is inside shine brighter than what is outside: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."- Gal 5:22-23
Comment Repost
Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Nov 25, 2013
LMAO!!...sorry guys, had to post this one, even though we do drive y'all bat $hit crazy! lol!!...ahhh the joys of being a hormonal female :)
Comment Repost
Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Nov 15, 2013
Hell yeah! To those still serving and those who served, and even more so to those who sacrificed it all, you are and always will be my heroes!
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Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Nov 15, 2013
Love this!!
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Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Nov 14, 2013
You can choose who and what you let into your heart. Don't let bad things rob you of your beauty and joy.
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Posted by LeeStone65
0 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
Enough said....
Comment Repost
Posted by LeeStone65
3 Reposts May 27, 2013
Saying thanks just doesn't cut all my military are all my heroes!
Comment Repost
Posted by LeeStone65
5 Reposts May 26, 2013