True story :)
Comment Repost
Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Mar 20, 2014
Be strong!! Confidence is being humble and respectful of yourself and others.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Mar 11, 2014
Haha how about a ***** mint? Hitting the gym just gets me worked up. How about the rest of you?
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2014
Oh NO, the horror of chicken legs! This is what happens when you skip all full body exercises.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Jan 21, 2014
I so need this in my kitchen.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
5 Reposts Jan 14, 2014
My daily funny.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Nov 20, 2013
Very true! At least I keep trying it lol.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Nov 12, 2013
... And that's just on Tuesday!
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Nov 12, 2013
We need another president like teddy to turn thing around. But sadly there are to few men like him and certainly no politicians like him.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Nov 07, 2013
That is a motivated trainer. She's assisting with two bench presses as once Lmao.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Nov 07, 2013
Arnold had that same look while balencing the budget for California.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2013
Crossfit builds some of the best bodies and it shows when you watch the competitions.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2013
Awe, two big ol' teddy bears :-)
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Nov 02, 2013
Rollin swollen! Lol.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Oct 27, 2013
This is why I cook most of the meals ;-)
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Oct 08, 2013
So very true!
Comment Repost
Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Aug 24, 2013
If the bar isn't bending, you're pretending.
Comment Repost
Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Aug 20, 2013
To funny not to repost.
Comment Repost
Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Aug 07, 2013