
Tonight's Dinner was DELISH! This low-carb-high fat (the way I love to eat!) meal was all about the tasty gains!
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts Oct 09, 2014
my infamous Paleo Thai Curry. It was heaven!
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts Jun 04, 2013
One of the best dishes I've come up with! Spicy Dijon dill salmon with sun dried tomato and Spanish onion cauliflower rice :) mmmm!
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts May 28, 2013
organic angus beef patty with a fried egg, basil and feta cheese and mustard :)
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts May 24, 2013
a typical meal I would eat- rustic grilled chicken with bacon, kale, spinach, mixed greens, cucumber, yellow peppers, carrot sticks drizzled in garlic infused olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts May 24, 2013
organic angus beef patty with mustard, saracha hot sauce, Walden Farms Thousand Island dressing (no carbs, calories and sugar) topped with pickles, avocado and leaf lettuce :)
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts May 24, 2013
Home made salmon patty with dill, cilantro and feta with some cauliflower rice :)
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts May 24, 2013
Grilled chicken breast with kale, spinach, yellow peppers, purple cabbage and topped with avocado.. drizzle olive oil and lemon juice and garlic powder :)
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Posted by xjustbex
0 Reposts May 24, 2013